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  • Ashley Claudy

Top 5 Things Writer's Should Stop Doing | A Guest Blog Post from Ashley Claudy

Top 5 Things Writers Should Stop Doing!

When creating goals, we usually focus on the steps we need to take to get there. But the steps we need to NOT take can be just as important. I’m at this point, trying to cut back on other things so I can focus on writing. This is what I’ve discovered I need to stop doing. I have a hunch I’m not alone though, so I thought I’d share this list!

  • Stop putting off writing

“I’m going to get this chapter done after I ______ (Insert trivial thing like: check my facebook, check my ranking on Amazon, check Wattpad, check anything that does not involve opening my work in progress)”

Make writing what you do first. Make it the priority and then do the other stuff, or not. Who am I kidding? Of course we still do the other stuff, but make it the reward for finishing your writing goal.

  • Stop comparing yourself to others

This one’s not only a time suck but a confidence drainer. No two people are the same, and no two books perform the same. You will never write like that person and that’s a good things because they will never write like you. There’s enough readers to go around and they read much faster than you can write so you’re not in competition with others.

Or maybe you’re like me, and you’re comparing not as a competition but to see how they achieved success. At the risk of tossing my whole “Don’t do this” argument, I’d say a small amount of time could be spent in the name of research— but don’t let it impact your writing (Refer back to number one)

  • Stop doubting/ questioning your process

You know what works for you! Or maybe you actually don’t, but you know how you figure it out? Write. That’s right, you need to sit down and write and figure it out. I spent an obscene amount of time “studying” how I should write my first novel and you know what I learned for certain? Everyone does it differently and there really isn’t a correct way. It wasn’t till I sat and wrote that I was able to figure it out. Not saying you shouldn’t research, but bottom line you need to be writing to apply it. (Refer back to number one)

  • Stop Dreaming

Sounds harsh? Well at some point you have to just start doing. Dreaming of what you want doesn’t get you anywhere, develop a plan and take action. Action is the important part. And if writing a book is what you want to do, you know what that action is? (Refer back to number one)

  • Stop Stressing

This is supposed to be fun. With any endeavor though there will be hard steps, but remember what you enjoy— the storytelling. You can be consistent and put out great stories, and some may take off and some may fail. The market is fickle and you can’t control that. But if you love writing then keep going, stop stressing, and enjoy the process.

This also applies while writing. Stuck on a scene, a word? Put something down, or skip it, and keep writing. You can always go back later, don’t let the stress get in the way of your rough drafts progress. (although maybe you have a different strategy, do what works for you.) Heck, maybe disregard this if stress is a motivator for you. I enjoy a bit of stress. Just don’t let it impact your writing. (Refer back to number one)

There are probably so many more things we all could stop doing. But I know these are the biggest offenders on my time. In the end, it’s about the story and in order to get that out we have to write. And then when your done, the internet will still be waiting!

Good luck and have fun!


Ashley Claudy

About Ashley Claudy: Ashley Claudy is a mother, wife, teacher, proud UMD Terp, and perpetual learner with a wild imagination fueled by coffee. She’s also an occasional runner, a late night book junkie, and a daytime dreamer.She loves to interact with her readers and can be contacted/ found here:

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