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  • Katrina Crane

Tips for promoting your writing

So you’ve written a novel – or in the process of writing one – and plan on self-publishing. That’s great! But you have no audience or fan base and are unsure how to get one. Not so great. Don't worry, the Malice Authors are here to help!

Here are a few tips to help get you started.

• Write. Yeah, yeah, you’re already doing that. Write more. Write often. You need to have something out there for people to gush over. Here’s a suggestion: participate in online writing contests and workshops. These help build your talent while also drawing attention to your writing. You will also make writer friends who can later give you advice and tips. One great place to get started with this is Wattpad. There are multiple contests hosted every month and sometimes they are even hosted by best-selling authors and can get you major recognition. Basically, the idea is to create an online presence so people know you’re out there. As you increase your readership your audience will spread the word about your writing.

• Create multiple social media accounts. My recommendations for this include Facebook (which allows you the option of creating an ‘author’ page), Twitter, a blog (sites like Blogger and WordPress are free) and a website for your writing (Wix is also free). These will allow you to interact with fans of your work and to post updates and teasers.

• And speaking of teasers…making graphics and trailers for your novels is one of the best ways to draw an audience. You want to catch the reader’s eye and suck them in. Free stock photos can be found on websites like Unsplash and cheap stock photos can be found on websites like Fotolia. And if you need help creating, there are a great many web tutorials that can show you how to make awesome graphics and you can use free websites like Pixlr to make them. You can also ask around to find a graphic designer. Most authors will tell you that having a great cover and an impressive blurb are the keys to drawing attention to your book.

• Be generous and polite to other authors. Let me repeat this, as it is one of the most important points in this blog post. Be generous and polite to other authors. Help them promote their novels and participate in any and all book related events that you can. Send out a tweet, share something on Facebook, or just tell a good friend about a great book you read. And when the time comes, others that you have helped will be willing to return the favor. Sharing is caring, friends.

• Make sure the product you are marketing is top notch. Why should readers want to follow you or read your work if it isn’t at its best? Make them sit up and take notice. It may mean shelling out a few more bucks for professionally made graphics or an editor, but never try to sell something to people that you haven’t put your best effort into. By making your novel the best it can be, you’re showing readers that you care very deeply about your work and they should also.

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